8085 instruction set
Basic concepts Computer Science/ Other Science & Tech

8085 Instruction Set – Instruction sets of 8085 microprocessor

8085 instruction set . An instruction is basically a small command made up of Opcode and operands, which are given to a processor to perform a particular operation or task on a given data. Instructions are a binary pattern that allows a microprocessor to perform a task. There are 74 basic instructions in microprocessor 8085 […]

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8085 microprocessor pin
Basic concepts Computer Science/ Other Science & Tech Datasheets

8085 microprocessor IC – 8085 pinouts and Working

Hello Engineers, I hope all are well. In this article, we are going to discuss the basic architecture of the 8085 microprocessor and 8085 microprocessor pinouts along with working. So, let’s start with the introduction to the 8085 microprocessors. Before actually moving towards understanding the architecture and pinouts of the 8085 microprocessors, we may first […]

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Basic concepts Computer Science/ Other Science & Tech

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Detailed Explanation

Hello Guys. Welcome again to this forum. In this article, I am gonna discuss in brief about a computer science-related topic. Virtual Reality(VR) vs Augmented(AR). What are Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality? How to define Virtual reality and augmented reality? How they are different? What are the similarities? Advantages and disadvantages of this technology. So […]

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