Hello engineers, In this article, I will explain how to control AC appliances ON-OFF time using the IC555 Delay timer circuit that I have already discussed in the previous article. The delay timer ON-OFF circuit is similar and has just a few more components. So, Let’s Starts with the materials required and diagram followed by […]
Lamps and flashlights
Transformerless power supply regulated 220v-5v
Hi guys, Today I’m going to discuss a new circuit by me, which is a regulated 220v AC to 5v DC Regulated transformerless power supply using LM7805 and TIP41.The circuit discussed in this article is a bit more than just a few capacitors, diodes, and Zener diodes. So, let’s get started with the materials, then […]
Swastika using multicolor LEDs
Hi guys, In this article, there is no gadget or circuit today, just there is an idea shared by me for using multicolor LEDs to make something good and decorative out of simple art and multicolor LEDs. Swastika using multicolor LEDs.So let’s start our discussion further on, Swastika using Multicolor LEDs, Multicolor LEDs are a […]
Wireless Power Transmission Circuit | Easiest
Hi, guys, this article is based on a wireless power transmission circuit. This circuit explains how you can transfer dc input from one coil to another without any core or contact between. The transmission of AC input power between the two coils is pretty much easier and convenient as compared to dc. This circuit also […]
Automatic Night Light circuit using LDR and Relay
Hello guys, today I am going to tell you an easy way to make an Automatic night light circuit(automation) without using any micro-controllers or development board. With a circuit diagram as well as a simulation video of working of this project. This is possible with a simple analog circuitry using some active components as well […]