Digital Electronics Quiz Vol-1

This is Digital Electronics Quiz Vol -1 which is of the basic level to intermediate. Check your knowledge in Digital Electronics. After Completing this you can also move on to Digital Electronics Quiz Vol -2 which is more advanced.

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1. The function of a NOT Gate is to


2. Applying DeMorgan’s theorem to the expression QUIZ-DEMORGANS, we get ________


3. The basic memory elements in digital circuits are made up of


4. In a binary number system, the first digit (bit) from right to left is called______


5. x-or gate symbol




Identify the Gate for this Symbol and Expression above


6. IC Number of an AND gate is______


7. The Hexadecimal of the decimal number 45.0 is ______


8. How many flip-flops are there IC 7475?


9. Which two of the following are universal gates?


10. Using the transformation method you can see that any POS realization of OR-AND with only _____


11. A ______ is a universal gate which is an AND Gate followed by NOT gate.


12. A latch is a _______ device in electronics circuits with 2 stable states.


13. Select the correct logical expression for a NAND Gate from below


14. The Hexadecimal for binary 1001110 is


15. The Karnaugh map method of minimization of switching function is very convenient and effective if the number of variable in the switching function is


16. AND gate is a logical gate that requires atleast______ input and produces only_______ outputs after performing the AND operation.


17. Which of the following gate will give a 0 when both of its inputs are 1?


18. One of De Morgan’s theorems states that Simply stated, this means that logically there is no difference between:


19. 2’s complement of the binary number 10110 is


20. Which of the following expressions is in the sum-of-products (SOP) form?


21. The gate that can be used to implement any Boolean expression is ________


22. A Karnaugh map (K-map) is an abstract form of ______ diagram organized as a matrix of squares.


23. A three digit decimal number requires ________ for representation in the conventional BCD format.


24. How many entries in a truth table are necessary for an AND Gate with 4 inputs______


25. In Boolean algebra, the bar sign (—) indicates______ gate operation.


26. The three inputs AND gate has______number of operations.


27. Logic Gates in digital electronics are


28. An AND Gate of 3 inputs, 2 are high and one is low. What will be the output?


29. A Logical gate whose output is low when the inputs are same and output is high when inputs are differ, is called_________


30. In an X-NOR Gate, if  input A is ‘0’ and input B is ‘1’, then the output will be


31. The base of the octal number system is


32. 1’s complement of the binary 101101 is


33. Decimal number 45 in binary is


34. A NOR Gate is an OR gate followed by a


35. Latch is a device with ___


36. Convert the binary 111011 into decimal


Question 1 of 36