Microprocessors Quiz- 8085 Quiz-2

Microprocessors Quiz- 8085 Quiz -2

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1. In 8085 AD0-AD7 are


2. ______is to store the contents of the accumulator to a location address.


3. In the instruction LXI B, 3000H, X and B means?


4. When ALE pin is at HIGH(1), then the PINS AD0-AD7 are used as


5. RET is a


6. The maximum size of external memory you can interface with the 8085 processor is


7. This instruction is used to jump to a memory location from the current memory location to any other memory location.


8. The microprocessor 8085 requires the ______ input for operating with proper tuning with other peripherals connected to it.


9. Which of these is a main purpose of SIM instruction


10. Data transfer instructions don’t affect any flags in the flags register of the microprocessor. Answer True/False


11. In a Microprocessor, the address of the new next instruction to be executed is stored in


12. A microprocessor 8085 is working on a 3mHz frequency and still, we use a 6Mhz crystal oscillator to


13. PCHL means,


14. JNC, means


15. ______ instruction is used to perform the AND operation.


16. This instruction is for exchanging the contents of two register pairs.


17. ________is the increment instruction, that increments the register contents by 1. The contents of a particular register are incremented by 1


18. The flag that specifies the carry is generated by the 3rd and passed on to the 4th.


19. MVI is an  instruction used for________


20. ________ instructions allow transferring/ copying the data between register to registers, register to memory, vice versa.


21. The instruction used to load the data at any address to the Accumulator.


22. This is used to transfer the 8 bits of data at a time.



MOV R, M is an instruction, where R is denoted for a register and M ______


24. ______is to store the contents of the accumulator to a location address.


25. Using DAA the content of the accumulator is adjusted into


26. This instruction only jumps to a specified address if the Zero Flag is set or else the program control flows in the sequential flow.


27. In the instruction ADD B


28. In the register addressing modes